IRU will be actively involved in the Habitat III Conference to be held in Quito, Ecuador on 17-20 October to underline its commitment to sustainable and efficient transport by road. Road transport for passengers and goods is a critical part of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Global Sustainable Development Agenda. The UN recognises sustainable transport as a key contributor to achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals.
Speaking in a special session on “Transport and Mobility” and participating in several other side events, IRU will present its initiatives on how to achieve sustainable mobility for all. The global IRU Smart Move Campaign together with its High Level Groups established in different world regions to promote and work for an increase in collective door-to-door passenger transport worldwide as a solution to traffic congestion and pollution.
IRU’s Electric Taxis Lighthouse and UpTop, IRU’s global taxi network, will be given as examples of industry’s commitment to support and lead innovation that will underpin sustainable road transport.