IRU notes the decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to fine Poland and Portugal for failing to meet the required 2012 deadline for implementation of the European Register of Road transport Undertakings (ERRU).
The European rules on access to the profession of road transport operator, requires all EU Member States to establish a national electronic register of road transport undertakings by 31 December 2012. There have however been major delays in the implementation of the ERRU which are hampering cross-border cooperation between Member States.
The current fragmentation of enforcement across the EU not only undermines the correct application of the regulatory framework but may have serious consequences in terms of distortion of competition based on the country of establishment.
IRU regrets that this issue was escalated to the level of an ECJ judgement. Nevertheless, IRU commends the efforts of the European Commission in enforcing the implementation of the ERRU and calls for continued momentum in doing so. IRU equally continues to encourage those Member States who have not already done so to ensure that the ERRU is fully implemented.