While both Chile and Uruguay are signatories of the TIR Convention, Argentina’s imminent ratification will set in motion the transport and trade facilitation benefits of TIR for the wider region.
Argentina’s decision to adopt TIR reached a new milestone, after President Mauricio Macri sent the Convention to the Argentine Congress for ratification. The country is therefore ever closer to improving cross-border connectivity, fostering regional integration and boosting global trade opportunities.
The implementation of TIR will also generate profound economic gains for Argentina and her neighbouring countries, as highlighted in a recent study commissioned by the Organization of American States on TIR benefits for Latin America.
The news was announced by Argentina’s Transport Minister, Guillermo Dietrich, during the recent Federal Council Meeting of IRU member, Federación Argentina de Entidades Empresarias del Autotransporte de Cargas (FADDEAC).
With the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement putting a spotlight on TIR as an effective tool to harmonise customs transit systems, the move comes thanks to renewed commitment and efforts by the Government, Argentine Customs, other federal agencies and FADEEAC leadership, all of whom IRU looks forward to working with, as TIR becomes operational.