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Taxi driver training

Taxi driver training

What is taxi driver training?

Taxi driver training is a specialised programme aimed at preparing individuals for a career in passenger carriage. This training encompasses a range of topics including safe driving practices, customer service, ergonomics and a comprehensive understanding of road safety regulations. IRU, the World Road Transport Organisation plays a pivotal role by offering certifications that align with global industry standards, ensuring drivers are equipped with the skills necessary for safe and efficient service.

How long does it take to get the whole training?

The duration of taxi driver training can vary depending on the region and the depth of the course content. Typically, the training includes both theoretical and practical aspects, such as practical driving as well as knowledge training and evaluation. The IRU's commitment to thorough and comprehensive training ensures that all drivers meet a high standard of proficiency.

What are the requirements to apply to a taxi driver training?

To enrol in taxi driver training, candidates must hold a valid driving licence and meet specific age and health requirements. The IRU's programmes, such as the taxi driver training programme, often require additional prerequisites to ensure participants are ready for the rigours of professional driving. These might include a clean driving record and a basic understanding of vehicle mechanics.

How difficult is the knowledge test for taxi?

The difficulty of the knowledge test for taxi drivers varies, but it generally covers a broad range of topics, including taxi regulations, ergonomics, defensive driving principles and customer service concepts. IRU's certification process ensures that drivers have a comprehensive understanding of these areas, aligning with international standards.

How much does taxi driver training cost?

While IRU focuses on delivering quality training, we ensure that our programs are accessible. The cost is a reflection of the value offered, equipping participants with skills that stand out in the competitive transport industry.

The International Road Transport Union, with its global presence, provides a unique advantage in taxi driver training. By focusing on international standards and comprehensive training programmes, the IRU sets the bar high, ensuring that taxi drivers are not only equipped to meet minimum local demands but are also prepared for challenges on a global scale. Remember, IRU does not issue driving licenses but provides certifications that enhance a driver's skills and knowledge, crucial for a successful career in the transport industry.



At IRU, we offer a comprehensive range of driver training programs designed to meet the diverse needs of the transportation industry. Our truck driver training and lorry driver training courses are tailored for those aspiring to drive heavy goods vehicles, while our taxi driver training is perfect for individuals looking to enter the taxi service industry. For those specialising in hasardous materials transport, our tanker driver training and ADR driver training provide the necessary skills and certification. Our tachograph course ensures drivers understand and comply with tachograph regulations. We also offer PCV driver training and bus and coach driver training for those interested in passenger carrying vehicles. Our 360 driver training is ideal for operating heavy machinery. Additionally, we provide HGV driver training, LGV driver training, and C1 driver training for various commercial vehicle classes. To enhance safety, our defensive driving course is available. For specific licensing needs, we offer Cat D driver training and Cat C driver training. Our driver CPC training ensures professional competence for all drivers.

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IRU RoadMasters

Do you manage drivers? IRU RoadMasters is an industry certification programme to measure the competencies of drivers before, during and after the hiring process.