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Bus and coach driver training

Bus and coach driver training

Why choose IRU for top-tier bus driver training?

The International Road Transport Union (IRU) stands at the forefront of bus and coach driver training, offering a comprehensive program that sets the global standard in the transport sector. Our courses are tailored to equip both seasoned and aspiring bus drivers with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. By choosing IRU, you're not just enrolling in a training programme; you're becoming part of a prestigious network committed to road safety and professional excellence.

What is bus driver training?

Bus driver training is a specialised programme designed to prepare individuals for a career in transporting passengers safely and efficiently. It covers various aspects, from mastering driving skills and understanding vehicle mechanics to ensuring passenger safety and compliance with international industry standards.

What is the bus driver training process like?

Training duration

IRU's bus driver training program is structured to provide an in-depth understanding of all aspects of bus driving. The duration of the course is optimized to ensure each participant gains both theoretical knowledge and practical behind-the-wheel experience.

Cost of training

While IRU focuses on delivering quality training, we ensure that our programs are accessible. The cost is a reflection of the value offered, equipping participants with skills that stand out in the competitive transport industry.

What documents do I need to register for the bus driver training course?

Your driver's license

A valid driver's license is the first step towards enrolling in our program. It indicates your basic capability and readiness to undertake professional training.

Obtain a professional driving certificate

Prospective trainees should also obtain a professional driving certificate, signifying their commitment and foundational knowledge in the field of transport.

What are the differences between a coach and a bus driver?

While both roles share similarities, there are distinct differences in their operational environments. Our training program addresses these nuances, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for their chosen path.

Who can become a bus and coach driver?

IRU's bus and coach driver training is inclusive, catering to individuals from various backgrounds. Whether you are looking to start a new career or enhance your skills, our program is designed for you.

What are the responsibilities of a bus/coach driver?

Respect and safety of the vehicle

A primary responsibility of a bus/coach driver is maintaining the vehicle's safety. This includes regular checks and adherence to maintenance schedules.

Passenger safety

Above all, ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers is paramount. This responsibility encompasses everything from driving safely to responding to passengers' needs effectively.

The IRU's global presence and its commitment to using international industry standards make its training programs unique. By joining our training course, you are not just learning how to drive a bus; you are preparing to be a part of an international community dedicated to safety, professionalism, and excellence in the transport industry.



At IRU, we offer a comprehensive range of driver training programs designed to meet the diverse needs of the transportation industry. Our truck driver training and lorry driver training courses are tailored for those aspiring to drive heavy goods vehicles, while our taxi driver training is perfect for individuals looking to enter the taxi service industry. For those specialising in hasardous materials transport, our tanker driver training and ADR driver training provide the necessary skills and certification. Our tachograph course ensures drivers understand and comply with tachograph regulations. We also offer PCV driver training and bus and coach driver training for those interested in passenger carrying vehicles. Our 360 driver training is ideal for operating heavy machinery. Additionally, we provide HGV driver training, LGV driver training, and C1 driver training for various commercial vehicle classes. To enhance safety, our defensive driving course is available. For specific licensing needs, we offer Cat D driver training and Cat C driver training. Our driver CPC training ensures professional competence for all drivers.

Discover IRU training programmes

Want to learn more about our training programmes? Browse our catalogue of courses delivered by our network of Accredited Training Institutes.

Become an ATI

Are you a training institute? Discover how you can get accredited and and provide IRU training programmes and certifications.

IRU RoadMasters

Do you manage drivers? IRU RoadMasters is an industry certification programme to measure the competencies of drivers before, during and after the hiring process.