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Truck driver training

Truck driver training

What is the difference between HGV and truck training?

In the realm of professional driving, understanding the nuances between Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) and truck training is crucial. Both are integral to the transport industry, yet they cater to different aspects of professional driving. The International Road Transport Union (IRU) offers comprehensive training programmes that cover both areas, ensuring drivers are well-versed in handling varying vehicle types and the demands of long-distance transportation. HGV training focuses more on larger vehicles typically used for transport across countries, while truck training encompasses a broader range of vehicles, suitable for various driving scenarios and cargo types.

What is truck driver training?

Truck driver training is a specialised programme designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in trucking. This training goes beyond the basics of driving, delving into the intricacies of maneuvering large vehicles, understanding road safety regulations, and adhering to international industry standards. The International Road Transport Union's training programs stand out in this field, offering certifications that reflect a deep understanding of these complex requirements.

How long does truck driver training take?

The duration of truck driver training can vary, depending on the depth and breadth of the course content. Typically, these programs range from a few weeks to several months. The International Road Transport Union tailors its training programs to meet the needs of the industry, ensuring that each course is comprehensive enough to cover essential skills while also being efficient in terms of time investment.

What you need to know about truck driver training:

Training levels

The International Road Transport Union offers multiple levels of driver training, catering to beginners and experienced professionals alike. These levels range from basic handling and operation of trucks to more advanced courses that delve into specialised types of transport, such as hazardous materials or long-haul journeys.

Training costs

While IRU focuses on delivering quality training, we ensure that our programs are accessible. The cost is a reflection of the value offered, equipping participants with skills that stand out in the competitive transport industry.

Course duration

Course duration varies based on the level and complexity of the training program. The IRU ensures that each program is comprehensive, covering all necessary aspects to equip drivers with the skills needed for a successful career in trucking.

The International Road Transport Union's commitment to excellence in training is evident in its global presence and the diverse range of courses it offers. From ADR driver training to lorry and taxi driver certificates, the IRU caters to a wide array of professional transport training needs. Their courses, developed by industry experts, adhere to international standards, ensuring that drivers and transport workers are well-equipped to create a safer, more efficient working environment.

In conclusion, truck driver training is a multifaceted program that requires dedication and a commitment to quality and safety. The International Road Transport Union, with its global network and adherence to international industry standards, offers some of the most comprehensive and respected training programs in the industry. Whether you're looking to start a new career or upgrade your skills, IRU's training programs provide the foundation needed for success in the competitive and ever-evolving world of road transport.



At IRU, we offer a comprehensive range of driver training programs designed to meet the diverse needs of the transportation industry. Our truck driver training and lorry driver training courses are tailored for those aspiring to drive heavy goods vehicles, while our taxi driver training is perfect for individuals looking to enter the taxi service industry. For those specialising in hasardous materials transport, our tanker driver training and ADR driver training provide the necessary skills and certification. Our tachograph course ensures drivers understand and comply with tachograph regulations. We also offer PCV driver training and bus and coach driver training for those interested in passenger carrying vehicles. Our 360 driver training is ideal for operating heavy machinery. Additionally, we provide HGV driver training, LGV driver training, and C1 driver training for various commercial vehicle classes. To enhance safety, our defensive driving course is available. For specific licensing needs, we offer Cat D driver training and Cat C driver training. Our driver CPC training ensures professional competence for all drivers.

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IRU RoadMasters

Do you manage drivers? IRU RoadMasters is an industry certification programme to measure the competencies of drivers before, during and after the hiring process.