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How do we ensure success? With the Decade of Sustainable Transport kicking off in 2026, IRU stressed two critical components to the UN in New York: the Green Compact and the UN’s own proven conventions.
Global | New York

IRU and UN negotiate Decade of Sustainable Transport implementation plan

12 Jul 2024 · Environment

How do we ensure success? With the Decade of Sustainable Transport kicking off in 2026, IRU stressed two critical components to the UN in New York: the Green Compact and the UN’s own proven conventions.

Following the United Nations General Assembly Resolution that established the Decade of Sustainable Transport from 2026 to 2036, IRU and key UN players are now weighing the targets and implementation plan.  

During this week’s High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) event in New York, IRU outlined – in a high-level meeting with Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana (UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), Claver Gatete (UN Economic Commission for Africa), José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) and Tatiana Molcean (UN Economic Commission for Europe) – how road transport can drive the Decade of Sustainable Transport and shared the sector’s views on targets and tools to measure success.

IRU’s Senior Global Advocacy Adviser, Jens Hügel, specifically detailed how tried-and-tested UN road transport conventions, including the TIR Convention, should be mobilised to implement the UN Decade of Sustainable Transport. He further emphasised that the ratification and full implementation of such conventions should serve as key indicators to monitor progress at every step of the way.

Jens Hügel also highlighted how IRU’s Green Compact serves to guide governments and transport companies to lead and monitor progress on the industry’s pragmatic decarbonisation pathway.

The IRU Green Compact is a collective global commitment and roadmap for the commercial road transport sector to become fully carbon neutral by 2050

It lays out clear pathways for the industry, and its regulators and suppliers, to meet global decarbonisation targets while continuing to provide vital transport services for the people, communities and economies that depend on them.

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