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Dr Kenan Güler

Certified customs consultant, PhD
PLH logistics services
IRU Member

35 years of driving cross-border trade with cutting-edge technologies

After completing my bachelor’s degree from the University of Eskisehir Anadolu in Business Administration, I obtained my master’s at the Istanbul University of Commerce.

I then went on to complete my doctoral studies at the same university. My thesis was titled, “Digitalising International Trade and Impact of Industrial Movements: A Study on Industry 4.0 Revolution”.

I’ve worked in the customs consultancy domain since 1987. I was certified as “Assistant Customs Consultant” in 1988 and “Customs Consultant” in 1993.

I received the “World Customs Organization’s Certificate of Merit” after being nominated for my efforts in “Scaling up Customs Digital Transformation by Embracing a Data Culture and Building a Data Ecosystem” in 2022.

I’m currently the chairman of several companies, including PLH Logistics Services and ATEZ Software Technology.

PLH works to widen the distribution network of TIR carnets and to allow eligible parties to handle TIR carnet procedures. ATEZ Software is focused on software solutions for the cross-border movement of goods.

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