The Truck Driver’s Checklist is a two sided A4 sheet of tips and guidelines for truck drivers to follow to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. The first subsection, ‘Are you prepared ?’ targets the driver’s personal wellbeing: the truck driver’s life and those of other road users depend on the alertness and reactions in an emergency situation. The second section ‘ …and is everything else ready?’ is a checklist for the truck itself: mechanics, documentation and route. The third and final section includes safety tips for extra road safety.
Published on: Author:
IRU Type of document:
Technical documents Category:
Goods transport, Road safety, Services Region:
Global Size:
2 pages
The Truck Driver’s Checklist is a two sided A4 sheet of tips and guidelines for truck drivers to follow to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. The first subsection, ‘Are you prepared ?’ targets the driver’s personal wellbeing: the truck driver’s life and those of other road users depend on the alertness and reactions in an emergency situation. The second section ‘ …and is everything else ready?’ is a checklist for the truck itself: mechanics, documentation and route. The third and final section includes safety tips for extra road safety.
Published on:
Author: IRU
Type of document: Technical documents
Category: Goods transport, Road safety, Services
Region: Global
Size: 2 pages
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