The road transport industry is one of the sectors most impacted by COVID-19. This executive summary presents a snapshot of a detailed IRU intelligence report assessing the impact of the pandemic on passenger and freight transport companies, as well as restrictions and facilitation measures. It combines an in-depth survey of IRU members, as well as macroeconomic research and analysis.
Published on: 29/06/2021 - 14:03
Type of document:
Reports & publications
Advocacy, Coronavirus, Goods transport, Passenger transport
The road transport industry is one of the sectors most impacted by COVID-19. This executive summary presents a snapshot of a detailed IRU intelligence report assessing the impact of the pandemic on passenger and freight transport companies, as well as restrictions and facilitation measures. It combines an in-depth survey of IRU members, as well as macroeconomic research and analysis.
Published on: 29/06/2021 - 14:03
Author: IRU
Type of document: Reports & publications
Category: Advocacy, Coronavirus, Goods transport, Passenger transport
Region: Global
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