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IRU’s COVID-19 Info Hub: the global source of information for road transport
Global | Geneva

IRU’s COVID-19 Info Hub: the global source of information for road transport

27 Mar 2020 · People, Prosperity

In close cooperation with our members and partners, IRU has established the COVID-19 Info Hub, a global source of first-hand, real-time updates by, and for, the commercial road transport sector. 

What’s available on the COVID-19 Info Hub

Updates from IRU: 

  • Flash info: Regular updates from our global network of members in all affected regions. Normally accessible to IRU members only, this is now open to all, providing real time country-by-country updates on the situation on roads, at borders and with changes to rules and restrictions for road transport operators. 
  • News updates: Press releases, statements and updates on lobbying activities related to COVID-19 are also on the Info Hub for easy access in one place. 
  • Social media: Quick links to IRU’s social media platforms, with COVID-19 updates and news.

Updates from IRU partner organisations and institutions, including:

  • UNECE Observatory on Border Crossings Status: Information on border crossings from government authorities, the European Commission, as well as IRU.
  • World Health Organization: Rolling updates on protective measures, travel advice and other actions to be safe on the road.
  • European Commission: Updated information on mobility measures implemented or announced by EU member states. 
  • International Transport Forum: Information on road transport, including updates from ECMT member countries. 
  • World Trade Organization: Updates regarding trade measures and member country notifications related to COVID-19. 
  • World Customs Organization: Updates on customs, temporary export controls and links to national customs authority COVID-19 web pages. 

IRU’s COVID-19 Info Hub gives our members, partners and the companies, workers and friends of road transport a global perspective, with the latest information on the crisis. During this unprecedented situation, we are working together for a world in motion.