“Joining IRU is important for us to better engage within the road transport sector and beyond. Working with IRU and its members will notably help us continue decarbonising our operations, with our sub-contractors and partners, sharing knowledge and experiences with the wider industry.”
Jochen Thewes
CEO, DB Schenker
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The benefits of being an IRU member
For over 75 years, IRU has been working with and for its members to drive progress in the road transport industry. Our global reach, expertise and influence help our members stay at the cutting edge of road transport.
What’s in it for you?
Shape the agenda, influence and drive change by lobbying under IRU’s umbrella. Get your issues put into policy debates and shape the regulatory environment, guiding decisions that affect you and the industry.
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Access decision makers and gain recognition through our close networked community. Enhance your reputation and meet industry leaders, regulators and potential clients all over the world. Participate in our high-level events.
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Understand and explore the issues driving change in logistics and mobility with our industry and market intelligence reports. Harness the collective knowledge of our members and receive live updates on regulatory, market and operational issues.
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IRU RoadMasters Forum
Latest EU road safety challenges, trends and opportunities with Lytx
Going Dutch: TLN talks IRU
IRU - For a world in motion
IRU World Congress
IRU/EU Conference
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“Joining IRU is important for us to better engage within the road transport sector and beyond. Working with IRU and its members will notably help us continue decarbonising our operations, with our sub-contractors and partners, sharing knowledge and experiences with the wider industry.”
Jochen Thewes
CEO, DB Schenker
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