UPS will provide training for IRU's member organisations and their own members on the best practices for training and retention of drivers. UPS’ driver training program is recognised as a leader within the industry. In this engaging and interactive masterclass, experts from UPS share insights and best practices to inspire attendees on how to leverage their capabilities to compete in an ever increasing challenging environment.
Masterclass objectives:
• Identify challenges faced in the transportation industry and review best practices for onboarding drivers
• Provide insight into UPS’ training approach for Drivers and On Road Management
• Review and discuss importance of providing an inclusive working environment to engage employees
• Review and discuss employee retention strategies
• Ideas on how to infuse a strong Brand Ambassador attitude.
UPS representatives:
• Joe Vanderbeck, President UPS Transportation Europe
• Antonia Blasig, Talent Director, UPS Europe
• William Murphy, Manager, UPS Integrad®, United Kingdom
The IRU-UPS Masterclass will take place from 14:00 until 17:00 at IRU's premises (Vleva conference room) in Brussels.
- Meet & Greet
The first impression matters: driver (pre-)onboarding
- Case study: UPS innovative pre-onboarding UPS driver experience
- Case study: UPS onboarding process
- Application opportunities
- Challenges
- The most important stop: driver and on road management training
- Case study: UPS Integrad® and beyond
- Requirements, pre- and post-course
- Training program structure and learning process
Live your best life: employee retention
- Case study: UPS company, safety and inclusive culture
- Incentives, rewards and employee engagement
- Career opportunities
Mobile Brand Ambassadors: UPS Feeder Drivers
- Panel interview with Joe Vanderbeck, UPS President Transportation Europe
- Topics: Market trends and UPS best practices on attracting, training and retaining feeder drivers
Vleva conference room
Avenue de Cortenbergh 71
1000 Bruxelles