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Future Roads Funding: A Forum for Sustainable Solutions to Operations Challenges
31 Mar - 2 Apr 2025

Future Roads Funding: A Forum for Sustainable Solutions to Operations Challenges

Amsterdam | IRU participation | Invitation only

This forum will provide a unique opportunity to share experiences and explore pathways to overcome the known funding challenges facing road and city authorities. Critically, it will allow the current state of thinking globally to be discussed in a European context, with real-world examples of sustainable solutions designed to meet operational challenges facing evolving road networks.

The event will be hosted by Arup, in collaboration with CEDR and Transport Infrastructure Ireland, for organisations across the transport sector, including

•    EU and national governments
•    National and city authorities
•    Industry/academia

Representatives and decision-makers from these organisations will drive discussions as speakers and panellists.


Marc Billiet
Marc Billiet
Associate Director — EU Goods Transport

Hotel Jakarta
Javakade 766,
1019 SH Amsterdam,