The new Mobility Package 1 (MP1) posting rules in the European Union became applicable in February 2022. Where do we stand six months on?
Much work has been done, yet a number of questions remain, including:
- Member State information on applicable rules and remuneration in case of posting, in particular for passenger transport,
- Clarifying and harmonising key enforcement issues, including on the return of the vehicle
- Clarifying key remaining posting and non-posting scenarios.
This IRU workshop represents an opportunity to take stock of progress made since February 2022, when the last elements of MP1 became applicable – this time, from the unique perspective of road freight and passenger transport companies which are operating with the new rules.
10:00 - 10:15 - Opening address, Cosmin Boiangiu, Executive Director, European Labour Authority (ELA)
10:15 – 11:15 - Session 1 – General MP1 issues faced by companies:
- Marc Pühler, DB Schenker
- Mr Jens Byberg, Byberg & Nordin Busstrafik, Sweden
- John Nolan, Nolan Transport, IRHA
- Reactions from the panel
- Discussion with the audience
More speakers to be announced
11:15 – 12:15 – Session 2 – Specific issues
- Coach tourism operator
- Giuseppe D’Arienzo, Torello
- Maria Feldberg, Guretruck
- Reactions from the panel
- Discussion with the audience
More speakers to be announced
12:15 - 12:30: Conclusions