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ACEA Online Workshop on the Social Climate Fund
23 Oct 2024 - 10:00 CEST

ACEA Online Workshop on the Social Climate Fund

online | IRU participation | Invitation only


The Social Climate Fund (SCF) has been created to support the most vulnerable groups, including micro-enterprises and road transport users, against transport poverty. It aims to compensate for the negative social impact that the EU ETS might have on road transport.


  • Understanding the Social Climate Fund: How does it work and how can national associations support the preparation and implementation of SCF national plans?
  • Providing an update on the status of SCF activities at the European level, including guidelines and reports, as well as next steps.
  • Discussing how the SCF can be effectively allocated to address transport poverty, ensuring that vulnerable groups (individuals and micro-enterprises) have access to affordable and sustainable transport options.
  • Identifying the specific needs of vulnerable households and transport users, and how funding can be directed to meet these needs.
  • Sharing best practices: Share best practices and lessons already learned from Member States in implementing social mobility initiatives.

10:00 – 10:10: Welcome and introductory remarks by ACEA
The role of the Social Climate Fund in supporting the deployment of zero emission vehicles

10:10 – 10:25: Mette Koefoed Quinn, Deputy Director B, Carbon Markets and Clean Mobility. Head of Unit B1, ETS Policy Coordination and International Carbon Markets, DG CLIMA
National Social Climate Plans: the importance of stakeholders’ participation in public consultations at the national level.

10:25 – 10:40: Philippe Chantraine, Head of Unit B2, Transport Investments, DG MOVE
How the Social Climate Fund can be effectively utilised to support vulnerable communities (both people and micro-enterprises) during the transition to clean vehicles

10:40 – 11:25: Q&A discussion

11:25 – 11:30: Closing remarks by ACEA


Raluca Marian
Raluca Marian
Director EU Advocacy & General Delegate