IRU is the trusted voice for mobility and logistics, upholding the interest of bus, coach, taxi and truck operators as well as the broader mobility and logistics industry.
By promoting and enhancing cooperation between industry and decision makers, IRU contributes to facilitating trade and building prosperity.
IRU champions excellence in road transport through international certification standards that create real competitive advantage.
European Parliament endorses a balanced solution on platform workers
The European Parliament has officially approved the provisional agreement with the Council on the Platform Workers Directive at today’s plenary session. Pending confirmation from the Council, the focus now shifts to Member States.
Drivers and cargo at risk: EU needs more safe and secure truck parking
Employers, trade unions and parking operators are urging the European Commission to maintain a focused approach to certifying, upgrading, building, and funding safe and secure truck parking areas in the EU over the next three years.
IRU, ETF call for EU action on third-country driver rights and conditions
IRU and ETF delivered their joint statement on third-country drivers to the EU Jobs and Social Rights Commissioner today. Both organisations commit to working together to enhance the working conditions of third-country drivers, in full respect of their rights.