The implementation of CO2 tolls is not uniformly applied across the EU.
The main reason is that the 2022 Eurovignette Directive uses a digital, distance-based measure to calculate tolls.
However, not all EU countries are using this approach, some countries such as France have gated, distance-based tolls, other such as the Netherlands have time-based tolls or vignettes.
This is a live document that is updated based on the implementation of CO2 tolls across the EU, accompanied by detailed information on the classes of vehicles concerned and how CO2 toll taxes are calculated.
The implementation of CO2 tolls is not uniformly applied across the EU.
The main reason is that the 2022 Eurovignette Directive uses a digital, distance-based measure to calculate tolls.
However, not all EU countries are using this approach, some countries such as France have gated, distance-based tolls, other such as the Netherlands have time-based tolls or vignettes.
This is a live document that is updated based on the implementation of CO2 tolls across the EU, accompanied by detailed information on the classes of vehicles concerned and how CO2 toll taxes are calculated.
Published on:
Author: IRU
Type of document: Presentations
Category: Decarbonisation, Goods transport
Region: Europe
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