IRU is the trusted voice for mobility and logistics, upholding the interest of bus, coach, taxi and truck operators as well as the broader mobility and logistics industry.
By promoting and enhancing cooperation between industry and decision makers, IRU contributes to facilitating trade and building prosperity.
IRU champions excellence in road transport through international certification standards that create real competitive advantage.
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan join United Nations e-CMR protocol
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have acceded to e-CMR, committing to fully paperless goods transport and reinforcing their transition from landlocked to landlinked countries. Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, two countries at the heart of east-west and north-south trade, have acceded to the e-CMR protocol, which will further digitalise goods transport, boosting trade and connectivity.
New TIR centre opens in Iran to meet growing transit demand
IRU member the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) has opened a new TIR office in Bandar Abbas. Iran has issued more TIR carnets than any other country over the past two years.
Global driver shortages: 2022 year in review
In 2022, IRU, backed with on-the-ground information from its members, continued to report and analyse global driver shortages: a chronic issue threatening the stability and continuity of mobility and supply chains. This article offers an overview of IRU’s efforts to analyse the situation, raise awareness and advance solutions.
All-inclusive Emissions Trading System for road: more realistic start date
After intense negotiations, the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and the European Commission struck a deal last weekend on an Emissions Trading System (ETS) for buildings and roads (ETS II) that sees reason prevail, having taken on board the road transport industry’s critical recommendations.