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Transport Councils

Transport Councils

Moving people, moving goods

IRU has two Transport Councils - one dedicated to the movement of people, the other to the movement of goods.

Passenger and goods transport have much in common; however both also have their own unique challenges and opportunities.

Each Council brings together industry leaders, professionals and experts from member organisations in that sector.

Moving people and moving freight present different challenges, and different opportunities

IRU's Transport Councils

By road, as with other modes of transport, moving people and moving goods present different challenges and opportunities.

IRU therefore has two halves to its governance: a Council for moving people, and one for moving goods.

Each Council works with IRU's Committees, Commissions and Working Parties on particular issues in more detail, coming together, along with IRU's associate members, for the General Assembly

The foundation of IRU's policy positions, the Councils help deliver progress and innovation for the global mobility sector, and form the basis of our dialogue with governments, regulatory bodies, international organisations, and business.

Freight Transport

The IRU Goods Transport Council debates and decides on critical issues in freight transport. It represents haulage businesses and logistics professionals from all over the world.

Working programme

With almost everything we use, need or consume having been on a truck at some point, IRU’s Goods Transport Council is central to policies that ensure each load is transported as quickly, efficiently, sustainably and safely as possible.

With sound policy for the industry, governments, regulators and society at large, Council decisions define IRU objectives with a view to develop freight transport nationally and internationally, and safeguard the interests of the sector.

Priorities include advancing the facilitation and security of freight road transport by eliminating barriers and difficulties that hinder progress, opposing discriminatory measures against this transport mode, and promoting the economic, social and environmental objectives of sustainable development in the freight transport sector.

More specifically the Council works on:

  • Developing best practice on sustainable development
  • Improving road safety, for drivers and the communities they pass through
  • Promoting the implementation of multilateral agreements on facilitating trade, including the TIR Convention and permit systems
  • Decreasing waiting times for trucks at borders
  • Helping make customs procedures more efficient and secure
  • Improving road and intermodal infrastructure, especially international transport corridors
  • Promoting dynamic markets and fair regulation within and between regions and modes of transport
  • Improving productivity in the logistics sector
  • Advising governments on policy and legislation, helping draft transport laws
  • Promoting industry best practice, new technologies and innovation

The Goods Transport Council is also known by its French acronym, CTM (Conseil Transports des Marchandises).

Iro Doumani (General Manager, OFAE, Greece)

Bob Costello (Senior Vice President, ATA, United States of America)
Tariq M. Rangoonwala (Chair, PNC-ICC, Pakistan)

Buses, coaches and taxis

IRU’s Passenger Transport Council works to make mobility and travel safer, secure, more affordable, environmentally friendly and efficient for people all over the world.

Working programme

The Council works on issues affecting people’s mobility and commercial vehicles that carry people.

Representing the commercial passenger transport sector, it also encourages cooperation with other mobility and travel organisations, including travel agents, vehicle manufacturers, and tourism and urban mobility authorities and stakeholders.

The Council oversees and inputs on policy positions and issues that affect mobility and travel, whilst promoting bus and coach services as the most dynamic and flexible part of the door-to-door mobility and travel chain, with a particular focus on:

  • Sustainable policy and practice for authorities and operators
  • Road safety for passengers and communities
  • Availability of, and access to, road infrastructure and terminals
  • Service quality standards, new technology and innovation
  • A level legislative and fiscal playing field, to empower buses, coaches and taxis to best serve customers’ and society’s needs

The Passenger Transport Council is also known by its original French acronym, CTP (Conseil Transports des Personnes).

Anna Grönlund (Deputy Managing Director, SBF, Sweden)

Vice Presidents 
Graham Vidler (Chief Executive Officer, CPT, United Kingdom)
Öznur Yilmaz (Digital Tachograph Manager, TOBB, Türkiye)