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IRU “Taxis and Hire Cars with Driver” Group

IRU “Taxis and Hire Cars with Driver” Group

For thousands of years, vehicles with drivers have existed in cities and towns

In fact, the very first city taxi service dates back 400 years. Today, taxis, cabs and hire cars with drivers, including limousine and chauffeur services, are available anytime and anywhere, from the biggest cities to the remotest rural areas.

Taxis and hire cars with drivers are a crucial part of the public transport chain, offering a highly customised service to clients. Within IRU, the ‘Taxis and Hire Cars with Driver Group’ comprises experts that bring experience, knowledge and advocacy from the global taxi industry to address market, technology and legal challenges.

As the taxi sector is currently being deeply transformed by innovative technologies, services and business models, the Group offers opportunities for growth, whilst improving mobility and quality of service in the interests of customers and society as a whole.

Taxis and Hire Cars with Driver Group Working Programme

  • Define proposals for the promotion of the use of taxis and hire cars with driver, to strengthen and enhance the role of taxis and hire cars with drivers in urban and rural areas:
    • as a necessary element of the public mobility chain
    • as a valid alternative to the use of private cars
  • Represent the interests of the sector and communicate its positions to all appropriate decision-makers.
  • Monitor and intervene as appropriate on issues related to:
    • new mobility sectors, including car sharing
    • road safety and security
    • mobility of people with disabilities
    • rules for access to the profession and market access, taking into account the specific needs of taxis and hire cars with driver
    • technology
    • legislation, including lobbying for a level playing field between all service providers offering services on the taxi and hire-cars with driver market
    • initiatives from international governmental bodies, such as the UN, the UNECE, ITF, and the EU
  • Monitor the development of new markets and new mobility services and take appropriate initiatives in the field of new mobility services, including integrated mobility, diversification of services, diversification and flexibility of fares and the harmonisation of their structure, to satisfy new markets and services, and the requirements of special services.
  • Promote the faster introduction of new and cleaner vehicles and fuels by means of incentives, compensation and appropriate transitional periods for operators.
  • Promote professionalism, knowledge and the exchange of best practices on the training of taxi drivers and managers.
  • Attract new Members to join the IRU Group “Taxis and Hire-Cars with Driver”.
  • Report to the IRU Passenger Transport Council (CTP) on activities and decisions taken.
Taxis and Hire cars with driver group

With a focus on innovation and new technology, the Group also oversees activities ranging from informing and influencing policies, offering services, and training managers and drivers.

The Taxis and Hire Cars with Driver Group is also known by the abbreviated name, TA Group.

  • President: Armand Joseph-Oudin (France)
  • Vice-Presidents: Gregor Beiner (Germany), Jantine Vochteloo (Netherlands)

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