Permanent and long-term working programme
Define and attain the IRU transport policy objectives as laid down in Article 2 of the IRU Constitution, with a view to promoting and developing road transport of goods nationally and internationally, to safeguarding the industry's interests with respect to fair competition, growth, market-related, social, technical, information and data, fiscal and environmental issues and to reinforcing its role and cooperation in the logistical supply chain. In the context of the above general objectives, the CLTM’s priorities are to:
- Advance the facilitation and security of goods road transport by eliminating barriers and difficulties hindering the progress of the industry, as well as oppose any discriminatory measures against road transport, through the monitoring of the implementation and application of current EU legislation and through influencing new EU legislative and non-legislative initiatives.
- Promote the economic, social and environmental objectives of sustainable development in the road freight transport sector.
Ensure, in close cooperation with other relevant IRU statutory bodies, such as CTM, CTP, CAS, CIT, CSR & GETIL, that IRU policy is taken up to the greatest possible extent by legislators during the decision-making process on the new proposals which form part of the three EU “Mobility Packages” and during their implementation in the Member States. These include proposals to modify or introduce new EU rules on:
- access to the profession
- the road haulage market
- the use of hired vehicles without driver
- the application of the posting of workers rules
- driving and rest times and the smart tachograph
- working time for mobile workers
- enforcement
- road user charging and the interoperability of electronic charging systems.
- the monitoring and reporting of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from new heavy duty vehicles.
- CO2 reduction standards for heavy duty vehicles
- combined transport
- road safety (including the EU Road Safety Action Programme 2020-2030, and the revision of the EU General Safety Regulation)
- electronic road freight and logistics information
Continue to provide political guidance to EU and UK decision-makers concerning potential solutions for the commercial road freight and logistics sector in a transition period and in a post-Brexit settlement, including on the potential use of TIR.
Ensure support to the largest possible extent, with the European Institutions for the further promotion and implementation of e-TIR pilots to facilitate customs clearance between EU Member States and third countries.
Monitor, in close cooperation with relevant IRU bodies such as CIT, CSR and CAS developments at EU and Member State level relating to the testing or introduction of more autonomous road freight transport vehicles and try to ensure that IRU’s priorities as laid down in the Position “Managing the transition to autonomous vehicles” are addressed and reflected to the largest possible extent.
Knowledge sharing
Develop and implement initiatives in close cooperation with other relevant IRU bodies including CTM, CTP, CAS and the IRU Academy, to address the current shortage of professional drivers in the EU by contributing to the implementation of decisions taken by the relevant IRU decision making bodies and by putting effective measures in place at a European policy level and at an operational level.
Develop in close cooperation with other relevant IRU bodies such as CTP, information tools on the situation of the EU road freight transport and logistics market and on IRU’s EU transport policy-related priorities and use to proactively brief and influence the newly elected MEPs and their support staff, especially the newly appointed Members of the Transport and Tourism and other relevant Committees of the European Parliament and to proactively try to influence the road transport-related policy of the newly appointed European Commission.
Map, together with other relevant IRU bodies, the challenges and opportunities of disruptive developments for the EU road freight transport and logistics operators; develop new and fine-tune relevant existing IRU policy for road freight transport and logistics in the EU and use it to make active contributions to related EU legislative and non-legislative initiatives.
Continue to promote, in close cooperation with other relevant IRU bodies such as CTM, CSE and GETIL, the implementation of electronic documents in the logistics chain, such as the use of e-CMR, including for the purposes of enforcement, further adherence of European countries to the e-CMR protocol, support e-CMR pilot projects; push for the introduction of electronic versions of official EU road transport documents related to the company, driver and the vehicle such as the Community Licence and its True Certified Copy, Vehicle Registration Certificate, Drivers License, etc..
Encourage in cooperation with other relevant IRU bodies, such as CTM and CAS, the implementation of the conclusions and recommendation of the Commission study on secure truck parking areas, including in the framework of TRANSPark and the on-going revision of the EU rules on driving and rest times.
EU Goods Transport Liaison Committee
Permanent and long-term working programme
Define and attain the IRU transport policy objectives as laid down in Article 2 of the IRU Constitution, with a view to promoting and developing road transport of goods nationally and internationally, to safeguarding the industry's interests with respect to fair competition, growth, market-related, social, technical, information and data, fiscal and environmental issues and to reinforcing its role and cooperation in the logistical supply chain. In the context of the above general objectives, the CLTM’s priorities are to:
Ensure, in close cooperation with other relevant IRU statutory bodies, such as CTM, CTP, CAS, CIT, CSR & GETIL, that IRU policy is taken up to the greatest possible extent by legislators during the decision-making process on the new proposals which form part of the three EU “Mobility Packages” and during their implementation in the Member States. These include proposals to modify or introduce new EU rules on:
Continue to provide political guidance to EU and UK decision-makers concerning potential solutions for the commercial road freight and logistics sector in a transition period and in a post-Brexit settlement, including on the potential use of TIR.
Ensure support to the largest possible extent, with the European Institutions for the further promotion and implementation of e-TIR pilots to facilitate customs clearance between EU Member States and third countries.
Monitor, in close cooperation with relevant IRU bodies such as CIT, CSR and CAS developments at EU and Member State level relating to the testing or introduction of more autonomous road freight transport vehicles and try to ensure that IRU’s priorities as laid down in the Position “Managing the transition to autonomous vehicles” are addressed and reflected to the largest possible extent.
Knowledge sharing
Develop and implement initiatives in close cooperation with other relevant IRU bodies including CTM, CTP, CAS and the IRU Academy, to address the current shortage of professional drivers in the EU by contributing to the implementation of decisions taken by the relevant IRU decision making bodies and by putting effective measures in place at a European policy level and at an operational level.
Develop in close cooperation with other relevant IRU bodies such as CTP, information tools on the situation of the EU road freight transport and logistics market and on IRU’s EU transport policy-related priorities and use to proactively brief and influence the newly elected MEPs and their support staff, especially the newly appointed Members of the Transport and Tourism and other relevant Committees of the European Parliament and to proactively try to influence the road transport-related policy of the newly appointed European Commission.
Map, together with other relevant IRU bodies, the challenges and opportunities of disruptive developments for the EU road freight transport and logistics operators; develop new and fine-tune relevant existing IRU policy for road freight transport and logistics in the EU and use it to make active contributions to related EU legislative and non-legislative initiatives.
Continue to promote, in close cooperation with other relevant IRU bodies such as CTM, CSE and GETIL, the implementation of electronic documents in the logistics chain, such as the use of e-CMR, including for the purposes of enforcement, further adherence of European countries to the e-CMR protocol, support e-CMR pilot projects; push for the introduction of electronic versions of official EU road transport documents related to the company, driver and the vehicle such as the Community Licence and its True Certified Copy, Vehicle Registration Certificate, Drivers License, etc..
Encourage in cooperation with other relevant IRU bodies, such as CTM and CAS, the implementation of the conclusions and recommendation of the Commission study on secure truck parking areas, including in the framework of TRANSPark and the on-going revision of the EU rules on driving and rest times.
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