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TractEasy Special Demo
30 May - 2 Jun 2022

TractEasy Special Demo

Online (hybrid) | Other events

With a view to developing systems for all weather autonomous real logistics operations, the EU funded Horizon 2020 AWARD project is calling on stakeholders in the industry to provide input. IRU is a member of the AWARD project consortium.

The AWARD project aims to accelerate the deployment of connected and automated freight transport solutions across Europe. To this end, trial operations will be conducted in adverse weather conditions, in both closed areas and in mixed traffic, to assess the safety and efficiency of automated commercial freight operations.

The project team is interested to hear about the needs and concerns of all affected stakeholders, from people interacting directly or indirectly with an automated vehicle to those involved in related processes, and with wider stakeholder groups. 

As a partner of AWARD, IRU is inviting members to the AWARD Spring Demo Week, from 30 May to 2 June. Demonstrations will take place in Francazal, and will be broadcasted in Toulouse, France and Stuttgart, Germany.