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Road transport information - IRU Flash Info

Flash Info

FR UA 21.03.22
France: lifting of bans for heavy duty goods vehicles
France: lifting of bans for heavy duty goods vehicles

The Minister for Ecological Transition, in charge of transport, has published two orders regarding the lifting of bans regarding goods transport:

1. Lifting of heavy duty goods vehicle driving bans for humanitarian aid transport

The order confirms and completes the Flash Info published on 18 March 2022.

Bans on the circulation of heavy duty goods vehicles weighing more than 7.5 tonnes are lifted until June 19, 2022 inclusive for vehicles transporting goods for humanitarian purposes. This applies to vehicles heading to Ukraine and neighbouring countries, with the exception of Russia and Belarus, or bound for depots within France to be consolidated with other humanitarian loads. Empty returns are also included in the exemption.

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2. Lifting of heavy duty goods vehicle driving bans for hydrocarbon transport

Bans on the circulation of heavy duty goods vehicles weighing more than 7.5 tonnes are lifted until 10 April 2022 inclusive for vehicles transporting hydrocarbon products, with the exception of butane, propane and gases for industrial use. Empty returns are also included in the exemption.

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Drivers who make use of these derogations must be able to justify compliance in written form or digitally in case of control.

Source: AFTRI