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CAD Study on exploring the possible employment implications of connected and automated driving
CAD study final report

This report presents the findings of the study on exploring the possible employment implications of connected and automated driving (CAD). The study was implemented on behalf of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) of the European Commission. It provides an analysis of the short, medium- and long-term impacts of CAD on jobs, employment, skills and knowledge, as well as an investigation and elaboration of options in key policy areas in order for the European Union to take timely action. The main report presents four different scenarios outlining future CAD deployment and fleet compositions up to 2050. The main part of the report provides an analysis of the employment and social impacts along these four scenarios, highlighting expected quantitative as well as qualitative impacts. Finally, 22 policy options were developed and are presented in the final part of this report. These policy options have been operationalised by adding a timeline and by describing the role of various actors with the goal of setting the groundwork for a social roadmap for CAD deployment. The supporting annexes provide additional information with more detailed findings, as well as information on the methodology used.

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Type of document: Reports & publications
Region: Europe
Size: 160 pages

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