The aim of this dinner debate is to discuss key priorities for the commercial road transport sector in the EU in the next legislative term in a lively and constructive debate with policy makers and representatives of the road transport sector.
The debate will take place in the restaurant of the European Parliament and registrations will start at 18:00. Due to the security measures, the registrations will be opened until September 16.
18:00 - 18:30 | Registration
18:30 - 21:00 | Dinner and debate on the following themes and topics:
- Prosperity: digitalisation, Brexit, modal cooperation, access to the profession and to the market for passenger transport services by road
- People: driver shortage, safe and secure truck parking areas, enforcement, driving and rest time rules for coach tourism drivers
- Environment: CO2 standards, market uptake of cleaner and safer technologies, urban vehicle access regulations (UVARs)
European Parliament
Members’ Restaurant
Altiero Spinelli Building - Ground Floor