IRU Projects launched a survey to collect data on all possible road users’ needs on busy urban streets at their peak, off-peak and evening hours. The survey will analyse existing and future needs of road users, such as public and private road transport users, pedestrians, cyclists, multimodal travellers, logistics service providers, freight carriers, and shared mobility operators. Activities beyond traffic management, such as parking, goods deliveries and other commercial activities of shops, as well as pedestrian activities, will also be taken into consideration.
Information on the problems and needs of urban mobility users is being gathered during various traffic scenarios, which will provide the basis for developing possible future traffic management systems. In the case of the MORE project, traffic management and design are closely linked to the categorisation of streets in cities and the possibilities of improving traffic flows.
Considering and understanding urban road traffic holistically
The MORE project aims to devise and implement procedures for the comprehensive planning of urban areas that take into account the needs of different road users. It will also address several other related issues, including road safety and security, congestion, and noise and air pollution.
Since the construction of new roads is not an option in many cases, the focus of the project will be on optimising traffic planning. The project will provide several solutions for city authorities on how to make the best use of available road space through the smart allocation of existing road capacity.
Introducing and using new vehicle technologies, such as Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) as well as big data with digital ecosystems, will help cities to encourage street activity and reduce urban traffic dominance. Digital ecosystems include various forms of digital communication among vehicles and between vehicles and the surrounding infrastructure.
IRU's role
IRU Projects launched a survey to collect data on all possible road users’ needs on busy urban streets at their peak, off-peak and evening hours. The survey will analyse existing and future needs of road users, such as public and private road transport users, pedestrians, cyclists, multimodal travellers, logistics service providers, freight carriers, and shared mobility operators. Activities beyond traffic management, such as parking, goods deliveries and other commercial activities of shops, as well as pedestrian activities, will also be taken into consideration.
Information on the problems and needs of urban mobility users is being gathered during various traffic scenarios, which will provide the basis for developing possible future traffic management systems. In the case of the MORE project, traffic management and design are closely linked to the categorisation of streets in cities and the possibilities of improving traffic flows.
Project results
The MORE project intends to develop plans to decongest urban areas with high traffic volumes by assessing traffic flows and providing tailored solutions. Within the framework of the project, four web or computer-based tools will be developed to assist in reallocating road space in urban areas in five partner cities on different Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) Corridors.
These tools will support authorities in their efforts to assess their traffic management by running simulations on road user behaviour and congestion, based on data gathered from surveys and research conducted as part of the MORE project. Based on these outputs, new guidelines for optimal urban road space allocation will be prepared and disseminated throughout Europe.
Partners: 18 partners from 10 EU Member States
Project Coordinator: University College London
Visit the Project Website
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769276
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