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AEOLIX - Digital streamlining of logistics exchange


Digital streamlining of logistics exchange

AEOLIX - Architecture for EurOpean Logistics Information eXchange

AEOLIX is a tool to improve the interoperability of digital information systems. The idea is that through the use of electronic consignment notes (or e-CMR), logistics data can be fully integrated across national borders and IT platforms. The tool is comprised of a centralised cloud-based IT platform that optimises cargo flows and supply chain management. AEOLIX streamlines logistics decision-making, therefore enabling the sustainable and efficient transport of goods across Europe and increasing visibility across the supply chain for all the actors involved.

Across Europe, there are eleven AEOLIX living labs which are testing and validating and implementing the AEOLIX concept and prototype. These living labs are based on real world conditions and on pre-defined business cases.

IRU's role

IRU members in Czech Republic (CESMAD Bohemia), Germany (BCG), Greece (OFAE), Romania (UNTRR) and Serbia (CCIES) together with the Greek Ministry of Transport have set up a living lab in the framework of this project to test e-CMR transport operations.

By using e-CMR for the trial, the transport operators across the five countries will be able to input electronically, store logistics information and exchange data, in real time via a mobile phone or tablet. The e-CMR tests will run until August 2019.

IRU will also carry out a European-wide market study to analyse logistics and freight transport, in order to help develop business models for the current and future use of the platform.

This research has a broad application, offering the industry valuable insight into the freight transport market in Europe, with current practices and future trends in the spotlight.

"This project will show that digital transport documents are less a vision for the future, but rather a tool for the present. I am looking forward to seeing how a centralised, cloud-based collaborative logistics ecosystem, like the one developed in AEOLIX, can overcome data exchange security, privacy and sensitivity concerns, which already present a stumbling block for the further efficiency of road freight transport operations."

Project results

Following the end of the AEOLIX project and the analysis of data generated by each of the living labs, the next step is the promotion and implementation of full pan-European market deployment of a digital logistics platform.

This platform would be available for use by freight transport operators, drivers, companies engaged in logistics, and any other supply-chain stakeholders who are able to benefit, especially in terms of cost-savings and logistics support.

Start date:
End date:

41 Partners from 20 countries

Project coordinator:  ERTICO - ITS Europe

AEOLIX consortium partners:

  • BGL
  • OFAE
  • CCIS
  • Cesmad Bohemia

Visit the Project Website

Listen to the testimonies

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690797