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Green Transport and Logistics: Navigating the Future
14 Mar - 15 Feb 2025

Green Transport and Logistics: Navigating the Future

Athens | IRU participation | Invitation only

Third NTF Conference: Greece as a Central Getaway

The third “Navigating the Future” conference comes at a critical moment for Greece, Europe and the world.

Established by T-Press, this annual flagship conference for business, politics and academia will explore key issues facing the supply chain industry. 

In light of rapid geopolitical developments at the intersection of East and West, along with socio-political challenges in Europe and the evolving global landscape, Greece – historically and geographically in a central position – plays a decisive role through its ports and freight corridors.

With a strong international presence, the conference will feature representatives from the Greek government, executives from logistics and transport institutions, as well as business leaders. 

The conference aspires to contribute to the review and update of the pivotal role that Greece plays in the global supply chain and transport industry.

IRU CTM President Iro Doumani will be a speaker on the panel titled "International conditions and the protagonists of the supply chain". 

Divani Caravel Hotel
Leof. Vasileos Alexandrou 2,
Athina 161 21,


Iro Doumani
Iro Doumani
CTM President