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This IRU Intelligence Briefing analyses the latest EU road freight figures and provides a forecast up to 2030.
It explores key questions such as:
Plan smartly, decide wisely.
With this IRU Intelligence Briefing, you can:
Here is a sample of the Briefing. The full version contains 68 pages.
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Discover more studies, reports and Intelligence Briefings on the IRU Intelligence Platform.
Published on: 18/02/2025 - 09:54 Author: IRU Type of document: Reports & publications Region: Europe Size: 50 pages
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This IRU Intelligence Briefing analyses the latest EU road freight figures and provides a forecast up to 2030.
It explores key questions such as:
Plan smartly, decide wisely.
With this IRU Intelligence Briefing, you can:
Here is a sample of the Briefing. The full version contains 68 pages.
Discover more studies, reports and Intelligence Briefings on the IRU Intelligence Platform.
Published on: 18/02/2025 - 09:54
Author: IRU
Type of document: Reports & publications
Region: Europe
Size: 50 pages