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IRU Commission on Social Affairs (CAS) – Workshop
3 Sep 2024 - 14:00 CEST

STEER2EU workshop on task 1: EU Member State laws and requirements for employing third-country bus and truck drivers

online | IRU meetings | Invitation only

IRU Commission on Social Affairs (CAS)

The employment conditions to be fulfilled by third-country drivers in each EU Member State and, in particular, how these conditions are to be met vary between EU countries, including depending on the types of issue areas and documents (stay, work, specific professional requirements).

In essence, the conditions applicable to long-term visas and work permits differ between Member States, since they are largely subject to national rules.

While the conditions may be similar for professional competence documents, how these conditions are to be met are expected to vary in different EU countries.

For instance, the recognition of driving licences issued by third countries is one area, the language in which the driving tests can be taken in case of non-recognition is another. 

Similar considerations apply to the CPC. For example, can the necessary training and/or exam/test to acquire a CPC be done in a language other than the official language(s) of the country that issues the work permit? Is pre-existing driver qualification obtained in a third country considered and recognised when drivers apply for EU Code 95 recognition? Do drivers have to undertake full initial qualification or partial initial qualification? Is the driver attestation only applicable to road freight drivers, as required by EU rules, or it is also extended to passenger transport, as is the case in Spain?

The objective of the workshop is to present a preliminary report, describing the situation across the EU, and to collect experts’ opinions on the preliminary results. 

  • Introduction, Raluca Marian, IRU Director EU Advocacy and General Delegate, IRU Permanent Delegation to the EU
  • Introduction from DG-MOVE European Commission, Andreas Nägele, Policy Officer, DG MOVE, Unit C2, Road Safety
  • Presentation of key parts of the Task 1 report, Oleg Kamberski, Senior Adviser Social Affairs, IRU
    • Discussion
  • Presentation of Member States’ regulations for the entry and employment of third-country drivers, Victoire Couëlle, Policy Officer, IRU 
    • Discussion
  • Presentation of selected Member States’ rules and procedures related to driving licences and CPCs of and for third-country drivers, Oleg Kamberski, Senior Adviser Social Affairs, IRU
    • Discussion
  • Conclusions and next steps