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IRU Organisation


The voice of road transport

IRU is an independent, democratic international organisation active in over 80 countries

Active members are non profit-making organisations that represent a sector of road transport, or a specific category within passenger or goods transport, at national level. They can vote and participate in all parts of IRU’s governance.
Associate members include national and international non profit-making organisations as well as companies, no matter how large or small, who participate directly or indirectly in road transport activities. They cannot vote, but can participate in IRU’s advisory bodies and attend the General Assembly.

Structure and Governance

IRU is structured in three levels: decision-making bodies, led by the General Assembly, advisory bodies such as the Commissions, and the Secretariat.

IRU Organisation
IRU Organisation.

Presidential Executive

The Presidential Executive is the executive body of the General Assembly, responsible for directing the affairs of IRU and providing regular oversight of the Secretariat’s activities and results. Led by IRU’s elected President, the Presidential Executive meets several times per year and is composed of up to 12 members.


General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest IRU authority. Meeting between once and twice a year, it brings together active member associations from IRU’s two transport councils, along with associate members.



IRU’s day-to-day operations are run by a global and diverse management team based in Geneva. A network of offices in Beijing, Brussels, Istanbul, Moscow and Washington provide additional support and specific local knowledge.


Transport Councils

We have two Transport Councils made up of active member associations – one dedicated to the movement of people, the other to the movement of goods.



IRU’s Committees bring together experts from member associations and address freight, logistics and passenger transport challenges in particular regions.



IRU has expert Commissions, advisory groups which help develop policies, best practice and programmes in key areas: customs affairs, road safety, social affairs, services, technical affairs.
