IRU is the trusted voice for mobility and logistics, upholding the interest of bus, coach, taxi and truck operators as well as the broader mobility and logistics industry.
By promoting and enhancing cooperation between industry and decision makers, IRU contributes to facilitating trade and building prosperity.
IRU champions excellence in road transport through international certification standards that create real competitive advantage.
Thirty years of road transport excellence in Mongolia
Mongolian member association NARTAM has celebrated its 30 years of existence, championing road transport and trade in Mongolia and beyond.
Trusting your supply chain
The IRU Innovation and Development Fund supports members in implementing new solutions for the road transport industry. TIR associations submit project concepts for consideration, outlining research and field test plans, new technology components, partnership engagement and benefits for the sector.
Diesel will remain until green charging infrastructure improves
Without a rapid roll-out of recharging infrastructure across the continent, Europe’s freight operators will continue to choose diesel-powered vehicles over clean alternatives, participants at an event on green road freight have heard.