IRU is the trusted voice for mobility and logistics, upholding the interest of bus, coach, taxi and truck operators as well as the broader mobility and logistics industry.
By promoting and enhancing cooperation between industry and decision makers, IRU contributes to facilitating trade and building prosperity.
IRU champions excellence in road transport through international certification standards that create real competitive advantage.
IRU/ITF: support for road transport essential to safeguarding a healthy global economy
The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) have issued a joint statement calling for support from governments and international bodies to ensure international supply and mobility chains remain connected during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Passenger road transport: SMEs fight for survival in the time of COVID-19
Passenger road transport is the backbone of the global economy. It contributes to the success of numerous sectors, but not limited to, the tourism industry and is essential to business and leisure travel. But as the COVID-19 pandemic containment measures are forcing millions of people to stay at home, passenger transport operations have been condemned to a de facto lockdown, unlike any other in the industry’s history.