IRU is the trusted voice for mobility and logistics, upholding the interest of bus, coach, taxi and truck operators as well as the broader mobility and logistics industry.
By promoting and enhancing cooperation between industry and decision makers, IRU contributes to facilitating trade and building prosperity.
IRU champions excellence in road transport through international certification standards that create real competitive advantage.
Global TIR transit system identified as key to Bioceanic Corridor success
At a major international event in Brazil, attended by over 1,000 public and private sector representatives, IRU outlined how the global TIR transit system would unlock significant efficiency and security benefits for the Bioceanic Corridor.
Driving action towards safer roads
IRU and the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) are partnering on road safety. In this joint article, Vincent Erard and Willem Groenewald outline the solutions provided by the two organisations for companies in the sector.
EU automotive plans advance but gaps remain for heavy-duty transport
IRU welcomes the European Commission’s Industrial Action Plan for the European Automotive Sector, particularly the focus on incentives and better infrastructure access to support commercial road transport operators’ uptake of zero-emission vehicles. However, IRU remains deeply concerned about the lack of technology options for road transport – only battery-electric technology is promoted as a clean solution – and the potential purchasing mandates for corporate fleets.
New IRU Intelligence Monitoring: Worldwide zero-emission vehicle incentives
Governments are accelerating the transition to zero-emission vehicles with evolving incentives, subsidies and regulations. How do they compare across regions? We’ve mapped the latest policies and incentives, for both passenger and goods transport, to help you navigate the shift.